Friday 25 September 2020

In the Beginning ...

                                 Hey bloggers!
So for the past Three days I've been working on a slide recreating the  story "In the Beginning" If you're wondering how I did the voice                                           recording here is the Link!
                                       Blog you later!


  1. Hello Rose my name is Kezia and I am in room 25. I really like your blog post about the story. I would really like to try the inserting the voice recording. How long did it take you to make it?
    thank you for posting your work and
    Blog you later

  2. Talofa lava Rose, my name is Melnina from Room 25 I really like your blog post about the In the beginning. I have two questions for you my friend, how long did it take for you to make it? and was it fun?
    Thanks for sharing your learning you should come and check out my cool blog
    Blog you later

  3. Kia Ora Rose
    MY name is Rose from Room 25 . I really enjoyed your blog post it was really cool how you told the story . What was your Favorite part in the story

  4. Hello there, Mackenzie here! I really enjoyed your post, I personally think your voice is fine. What is your favorite slide? Blog ya later.

  5. Kia Ora Rose
    My name is Rita from Room 24 and I think this blog post is was really fun to listen to and I really liked your voice and how you told it.
    I have a question,can you tell me how hard this was to do.
    Blog ya later

  6. talofa lava rose
    my name is lovely from room 24 your was amazing i liked reading it
    I have a question are okay with your post rate 1-10 blog you later

  7. Kia Ora I am Palak from Room 23.
    I loved how you made slides and used your voice recording. You reminded me of my in the Beginning story. I was just wondering why did you not include the voice recording in the last couple of slides? Make sure My blog
    Anyways that is all for now!
    Blog you later!
